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Physiological Serum

Biorg&Fresh Serum Physiologique is a versatile and safe solution that can be used for a variety of medical purposes, and is particularly useful in eye, nasal, skin, and wound care.

Eye care: Serum Physiologique is used as a gentle and safe way to clean the eyes and remove debris, as well as to soothe irritation and dryness.

Nasal irrigation: It can also be used for nasal irrigation to help relieve sinus pressure and congestion, as well as to moisturize the nasal passages.

Skin care: Serum Physiologique is used in skin care as a way to soothe and hydrate the skin, as well as to remove dirt and impurities.

Wound care: In wound care, Serum Physiologique is used to clean and flush out wounds, and to prevent infection.